Friday, January 8, 2010

Ok, I've been hearing this a lot from men lately...

Yeah, I've started this blog thing which I use to have on myspace (back in the day). Blogging has become sort of a release from crap I guess. Crap in life that has mounded into a huge pile of shit and that pile of shit has turned into a mountain of feces. So, here I go, first subject on topic today is probably going to be about men. Really, what could be better for first topic? I haven't really established what this blog is going to be about, but I'm sure we will find a more direct rout later.
Ok, so, men men. What more is there to say...they are lost little naive and oblivious puppies. I believe (as a women's perspective, this is not an un bias opinion. Of course...), that these little creatures, are no different have the EXACT same problems that we do.

As women, single women that is...I hear the same exact stories from both ends of the sex spectrum. The woeful wail of the women who say, " why do I always pick assholes?" and the in denial male who cries, "Why do I fall for the bad girl?". The only problem is, these two types of people, that have the same personality like of attraction, will never (in fact), be attracted to each other. The women who date the assholes, will probably never the "the nice guy" because, yes, they are in fact "the nice girls". Therefore, the answer to the question of "Where are all the nice guys(or girls)?" your answer is, that they are all dating assholes.

So, with the good girls with the assholes and the nice guys with the bad girls, there seems to be a vicious cycle going on, concerning the bad vs good ratio. Men at my work ask me, "why do good girls like assholes?" my answer constitutes one simple phrase "women are attracted to men and girls are attracted to boys..." however, they never seem to catch my drift; or if they do than they don't believe it, but its true! "Naw, that's not right." they would say to me, as if saying that I was crazy for insinuating that they are attracted to the less mature. This of course, is what I mean that men are in denial about this particular subject. Women, however, don't see it this way. Most of us point the blame finger while whining and complaining there are no "good men" out there. When the fact is, we just refuse to really see the good ones and make excuses for why the bad ones aren't good.

Women see men having that, "good guy" quality as someone who is (I'm sorry to say), weaker than the less confident male. Sometimes when we say,"wow, he is such an nice guy" we automatically think, he is safe, boring, and completely predictable. Do these ideologies make us the girls seeking the boys type? Or are these ideas completely universal through out the male/female population? I am sending this out into the void right now for you people to ponder over, maybe next time you will finally pick that truely nice person you never usually would and live happily ever after.

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